Big Love Crusade

Join us as we reach to the neglected places of the world with the love of Jesus. 

About Big Love Crusades

Deon and Tola Akintomide were moved by the Spirit of God to take the Full Gospel to places that aren’t frequented by the average preachers. Not only does the team preach the Word of God, we also minister to the sick. We reach our also with free medical help for those who need it as you can see in the pictures below. We help women, children and the elderly with gifts of food, clothing and materials for school work.

Give Towards Big Love!

Your generous giving will help us take the love of Jesus to the dark places, help the needy and reach the hearts of people everywhere.

Meeting Both Spiritual and Physical Needs

We reach out not only to preach the gospel and making disciples, we also provide people, especially the poor with necessary assistance to make their life easier. Here, one of our volunteer medical doctor is attending to one of our converts and patient.

The body must be touched, too

Distributing relief materials to the needy. Everyone must get a touch of love from Jesus. If you want to be part of Big Love December 2020, reach click below to give.

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The LifeHouse, Ziggies Ent. Centre, Basheer Shittu Av, Magodo GRA, Lagos.

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+234 708 117 5069
+234 805 301 3670

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