Before you fill the form to invite Deon Akintomide, please read the following.

 The Word and The Power.

Jesus told the Pharisees in Matthew 22:29 that they knew neither the scriptures, nor the power of God. He was talking to those who read the scriptures everyday, but were strangers to the Spirit of the scriptures. “The letter killeth” says the Bible, “but the spirit giveth life.” (2 Corinthians 3:6).

Deon Akintomide was called and sent by the Lord to be a teacher of God’s Word with power according to the Spirit of holiness. He teaches God’s word in the power of God. He believes in the salvation through Jesus Christ only. He believes in the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He believes Christians are called to walk in holiness and purity in this world. He preaches everywhere and ministers healing to the body and the home.

For a more comprehensive expression of what this ministry believes, please click here.

To Invite Pastor Deon and Tola Akintomide, please understand the following:

Deon and Tola do not charge Christian organisations, but they gratefully welcome ‘honorarium’. Honourarium in our context is a freewill given to the ministers before or after their ministrations, and should be set at the discretion of the hosts.

  1. This ministry has no ‘agents’ that represent us, and those inviting the ministers should deal directly with the ministry.
  2. You have the permission to use the materials, e. g. photos and excerpts from our books or excerpts from articles on this websites for publicity towards the programs.
  3. The host ministry, unless clearly unable to, should provide decent accommodation for the invited ministers when required.
  4. Efforts should be made to raise a prayer team to pray towards the program.
  5. Adequate publicity should be carried out to ensure maximum attendance so that as many people as possible could be blessed, healed, saved and transformed.