A vulture with a sparrow’s wings,

an ostrich sits in a pigeon’s nest,

a sloth that sprints, a stork that sings

— all pictures of a twisted world.


A camel’s head on a donkey’s neck,

a horse’s hoof on a tiger’s foot,

and woodpeckers that never peck

red roaches singing lullabies…


The weakest mind in the strongest frame

ruling the strong of mind with force

O man of steel with stolen name!

O world, O earth, O heart of stone!


All souls would love to have a crown

but, nay, some head will wear the thorn

some smiles must wither to a frown

Man, live today to live again.


All life will die, all dead will live,

for us to live, or die is gain

you either rise to death or life

to meet the one for whom your lived.

© Deon Akintomide (2018)