
Making Your Marriage a Heaven on Earth


God’s Spirit spoke to me years ago:

“Son, you human beings take care of your cars, shoes and other possessions so that they could last long and be in good shape, but most of you leave your marriage, as important as it is, to take care of itself. Nothing left on its own gets better, whether it is a car or a marriage…”

If people put half the energy they put into taking care of their electronics into taking care of their marriage, we’d have many more happy homes and spouses today. For any marriage to be healthy, the husband and the wife must cooperate to refresh it continually. LoveAlive Outreach provides the platform for this much needed refreshing.

I am inviting you to be part of the many homes that have benefited from this vision. Attend the LoveAlive Outreach with your spouse and meet with other couples. We all learn together, and we get better together.

Register for the Next LoveAlive