Bad attitudes are like a fart; it’s disgusting to the people around, but bearable to the person who released it.

People generally permit in themselves what they find annoying in others. It’s inborn hypocrisy natural to man.

We all know someone who’s so selfish, but doesn’t know it. Maybe he even thinks he is so generous.
The way a bad person sees himself as a good person is one of the biggest reasons the world is a messed up place.

This idea is dangerous, especially in relationship. Every violent, narcissistic and insensitive spouse I’ve counselled always thought their partner was the problem. They aren’t pretending; they are sincere. My wife and I would sometimes feel so tired after a session of counselling, wondering what some man was made of. He’s the big problem, but he doesn’t see it.

This is for those who are trying to get married. It doesn’t matter how your prospective spouse sees himself or herself, what matters is how you see them. If you like, you may decide to see a devil and call him the brightest angel. What you refuse to see now will be the only thing you see later.
When a man is deceived by others there’s hope for him. When a man is deceived by himself, he’s hopeless. No one can help him.

A bad product is a bad product. Yes, someone may eventually buy it, but must it be you?

This ferocity I see in many young married people is becoming a pandemic. I want people to change for the better, but as things stand now, I first want the good ones to be protected.

Ask most women that are being regularly pummeled by their husband, and they’ll tell you they thought he was a nice man. How can you think he’s a nice man when he’s always shoving you, clenching his fists, glowering down at you whenever you have a misunderstanding? You think marriage will change him? O yes, marriage will change him – for the worse.

When you plan to marry a woman whose best friend is her ex, and she refuses to let him go, don’t complain when the ex becomes an alternative source of sex for her in your marriage.

Most of the problems married people complain about aren’t just springing up now; the signs have been there. Usually, the signs were ignored.

So, lest I spend too many words today, let me end with this: eyes are for seeing, and ears are for hearing, but only those who use their eyes and ears are the ones who deserve to have them.