One morning in 2009, I was in bed with my wife, just looking up and counting the dots in the ceiling. My wife was still asleep.

And then my phone rang.

The moment I picked it, the voice at the other end began to shout, “Tell your wife to leave my husband alone! Tell her to leave him alone or else…”

Then I hung up. And then I lay down and continued to count the dots on the ceiling.

She didn’t call back, and I didn’t call her.

My wife woke up shortly after. We got up and prayed. I freshened up and left the house. By then I had completely forgotten about the call.

Almost a week later, my wife received a call from another woman about some business transaction. It was then that I remembered the shouting woman’s call. I told her and she was surprised.

Then we dug up the number by date and time, and I made the call. I made that call because my wife wanted to get to the root of the matter.

When I connected, I reminded the voice of the call I received.

“You said I should tell my wife to leave your husband alone. You made that call last Monday, remember. My wife is here and she wants to talk to you?”

“Oh, who are you, please?”

I told her who I was. She was silent for a while, and then said, “I must have been trying to call someone else.”

Now I was curious. “But who are you?” I asked.

“I am… Okay, did I call you, too? Just forget it. Maybe I didn’t mean to call you.”

And she hung up.

My wife wanted to call that lady back and give her a large piece of her mind, but I didn’t let her. I suspected that the lady was just playing a game. I had a feeling that she had something against marriage and was being used by the devil to break homes. It was easy. All she needed to do was call a man and tell her to warn his wife to stop chasing her husband.

There are men and women who do that. If the hedge around your home is weak, such a little push will bring it down.

I just remembered the incidence that incidence today and decided to share with you.

There are overfed dingos out there. They are hunting down the sheep, not because they need the meat, but because they enjoy the sound of death. It is all sport to them.

Their greatest strength is the gullibility of the married folks.

It matters not for how long your home has existed, guard it, and never let down your guard.